summer nights

Aug 24, 2013

i don't normally post on the weekend. but i'm trying to be a little more spontaneous with my posting. usually, i love schedules and having everything figured out down to the very last detail; however, that's been feeling a little too rigid for me lately. so, right, here i am posting on a saturday. these photos were taken earlier this month, right before i got my hair-cut. i plan to be back later next week with outfit photos so you can finally see this elusive haircut i keep nattering on about. 

martin & i have been spending as many of our summer evenings down by the ocean as we possibly can. our regular routine consists of: healthy smoothies (chocolate banana soy for me), a bench under our favourite tree, scout (our extra fluffy & happy go lucky pooch), camera, and most importantly... mushing our toes into the grass. oh summer, you've been so very good to us. i can't believe martin's back at work the following week (he's a teacher). nuts, this summer has been flying by. you can bet we'll be doing all that we can to live it up and end this one off with a bang!

7 sweet notes:

  1. Such beautiful photos! Great post!

  2. Love this! What type of dog is that? He is the cutest.


    Little Sloth

  3. Aw, thanks Carlee! We love our dog... he really is the cutest!! He's an American Eskimo and poodle cross, they're called eskipoo's. xo

  4. these are lovely photos and the description of your feet in the grass makes me want to get outside right now

    kw ladies in navy

  5. Ah, those lazy summer nights... there's nothing like them. We spent yesterday evening in the park with friends, drinking wine and munching on bread and cheese; so very French and absolute summer bliss, I must say! Our summer nights will definitely be different back in Canada but if they look even half as lovely as yours, I think I'll be a happy girl :) Oh, and I can't wait to officially see your shorter haircut! Exciting!

  6. the tomato red nails seem to pop right off the page, i love that nail color V!!! really great look featuring your beloved maxi - cos you know they're such an outstanding accompaniment for walkabouts :)

    can't wait to see the upcoming shoot and your new haircut in full frontal mode! excitement builds on the daily!!!! and boy do i ever hope that lousy flu takes a hike of its own soon. sounds like an all out bummersville lovie. wishiwishing you well!!!! don't worry one little bit about the email back, take your time, all you need. xo

  7. Hi there! I just came across your blog… You're such a beauty, and the new hair cut definitely suits you! also, you/your blog remind me of Abi Porter of Vanilla & Lace- I've been reading her blog for years. (also as a teenager I adored her husband's band, and that's how I started following her blog way back when, but that's neither here nor there!) Anyway, if you get a minute, I’d love to know what you think of my latest outfit post!
    xo, elle | Living in Color.


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