A few goals that are currently near and dear to my heart!
∆ Take a break from social media.
I'm not exactly sure when I became an obsessive social media clicker, but yup, I have! It's bad and needs to stop! So now, I'm only checking my social media feed twice a day, and then signing out. It's helping, alot!
∆ Take a day off and go on a road trip with my honey.
We're so overdue for this one. I'm craving a road trip so I can spend the day doing what I love. Eating yummy food and taking photos... all, freaking, day!
∆ See friends at our favourite pub. Beers, fries and darts. Yes!
This one needs no explanation. Just craving some fun!
∆ Set aside time to clean the house!
Ok, not so near & dear to my heart, but it must be done.
∆ Grab my laptop and spend the morning working from my favourite coffee shop.
Oh man, sometimes working from home all day can really zap my energy. My goal is start going to my favourite coffee shop at least once a week to mix it up!
∆ Set aside time to work on new blog templates for the shop.
I'm learning that if I don't clear my schedule and set aside time, my hopes and projects, just never materialize. So yes, I plan on taking a day to make this goal happen!
∆ Create a new playlist.
Because, new music, always!
∆ Read, learn and rest
I've been learning more about photography, taking classes on personal branding and enjoying the process of learning. Plus, I find it a great to rest and rejuvenate.

i absolutely love this idea veronika! picking small, easily achievable goals for every month seems like such a wonderful way to improve one's well-being day in and day out. thanks for the inspiration!
ReplyDeleteThat's some awesome goals (and shoes!!) you have there! I have one goal this month and it's a biggie! Figure out what I want to do with my life (career wise)! Wish me luck!
ReplyDeleteLou x
:) great goals! i have two mail goals - get wedding prep done and get my xmas shopping done prior to thanksgiving! lofty ones
ReplyDeleteladies in navy
Lovely goals. I always remind myself to clean my place up because I have OCD when it comes to a lot of mess.
ReplyDeleteMarissa Jamie : Faithfully, Marissa ♡
I love creating monthly goals--I was just brainstorming a few myself. These are good ones--especially the social media break and road trip ideas. Both sound much needed around here too!
ReplyDeleteGreat list of goals! We just did some serious cleaning yesterday; it's a drag and we keep putting it off, but after it's done it feels so good.
ReplyDeleteGreat goals, I have very similar ones too! I hope that you'll make all of yours come true by the end of this month :)
I feel you on the social media thing. I have what's verging on an addiction to Pinterest :) They make it so easy to plug-in with tablets and smartphones. This is an inspiring list. I am a list person myself, but I like how you've prioritized time for yourself, friends and family :)
ReplyDeleteAh, V, I love your goal-setting and planning. I should do the same, but my mothly goals rarely change much and I seem to achieve them with more or less the same level of success (ie - cook more almost never happens, but improving my photography mostly always does, at least a little!) no matter how good my intentions :) Halloween was pretty quiet for us, too. Ian worked. I went to Topher's and we both fell asleep after too much candy! No complaints :) Hope you're staying dry, my lovely friend!
what a lovely list for this month :) i always love setting goals for an upcoming period, i did something similar for the fall season a little while back over here!
ReplyDeletexo, cheyenne
I like your blog :)
Thanks, lovey!! And loved reading through your fall goals. I too am trying to write more, I used to write constantly... hopefully I can work more & more on getting back into a routine! Hope you're having a lovely start to your week!! xo
ReplyDeleteSugar coma!! ;) Ha, that's my kind of Halloween, sounds like you and Topher had a blast!! And I know, me and my goals, right?! I can't help it, I'm rather nerdy that way. Hope your week is off to a fabulous start!! xoxo
ReplyDeleteAw, thanks lovey! And yes, seeing friends is a big priority... I get so busy with work that a whole month can go by and I haven't spent time with people I care about the most. Terrible! As for Pinterest?! Yup, been there!! xoxo
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, YES, xmas shopping!! That's a great one, I'm notorious for leaving it to the last minute. But darn it, this is the year I get on it!! ;)
ReplyDeleteYES, best of luck for sure. What kind of ideas are you tossing around?! It honestly took me awhile to figure out my career path. I tried a few things, went to school, then went back to school... but I finally feel like I'm on the right track!! xoxo
ReplyDeleteMolly, thank you!! Glad you found inspiration from this post! <3 I love setting small goals for that very reason... does so much to improve our day-to-day well being for sure. Hope your week is off to a great start!! xoxo
ReplyDeleteSo fun Veronika, Monthly goals is actually one of the new series i prepared for my blog! Loving your goals for November, very inspiring and i think that working outside of my home will be a good idea for me too, i'm easily distracted, especially by mister Yoda who is the cutest glue jar i've ever met! Looking forward to see you new blog template too! ;)
PS: thank you for your sweet comment and tweet about my blog, i'm still in love with my new design, you're the best!
Melodie, my pleasure!! And how fun to know you're starting a goals series on your blog. Can't wait to read a long... I love knowing what people are up to/hoping to achieve!! xoxo
ReplyDeleteThese are all fantastic goals! I feel like these are all things that I could put on my goal list as well. I love being at home, but it's true. Sometimes you just need a morning to step out and enjoy a new inspiring environment. Where are you taking classes? Learning can be so much fun. I feel like I'm learning so much from the different podcasts I've been listening to lately!
ReplyDeleteThese are some awesome goals for the month, and I hope you get to check off each and every one! Waking up and working from your favorite coffee shop sounds like a therapeutic work session - I'd love that :D
ReplyDeleteThe Dragonfruit Diaries
See us at the pub! We're in Vancouver in 2 weeks :)
ReplyDeleteAw, fun!!! I can't believe how the year has flown by... excited to see you guys. Fingers crossed, I'll be on my feet by then. I've been battling a five week sinus infection, it's leaving me feeling super sick and won't budge. Will email you closer too!! xoxo
ReplyDeleteLinda, thank you!! There's something about starting off the month with goals that just feels so inspiring... and a big YES to heading off to the coffee shop, mixing up my work space definitley amps up my creativity/productivity!! xoxo
ReplyDeleteActually signing out of my accounts helps me a ton!
ReplyDeleteLove your booties in the pic! Sounds like you got some good goals V!
ReplyDeleteI must work on my November list as well. Perhaps make this my number 1 priority this weekend. This month I will turn 35 ,this list must be made. thanks for the idea Veronika.
ReplyDeleteI always carry around a vague mental "to-do" list, dearest Veronika...but I rarely take the time to write out my weekly/monthly/yearly goals. I know it makes a HUGE difference to have it all right there in black and white, though...thank you for this great reminder!! P.S. Robin and I are due for a little road trip again, too!! :)
Great goals! I really like the take a break from social media and need to do the same! oh and cleaning the house might need to happen one of these days.
ReplyDeleteTotally love this. There are so many things I daydream about doing that are completely possible. Seize the day! xoxo
ReplyDeleteOh man, I totally hear you about cleaning house being not so near and dear, but even though I gripe and put it off, there's nothing like a tidy and organized room to make you feel like you've done something productive. You've inspired me to get all my ducks in a row!