Spring Thus Far

Apr 23, 2014

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Hello, hope everyone enjoyed an amazing Easter long weekend. Ours was pretty great. We had Martin's brother visiting us from Victoria, enjoyed soooo much good food and attended what was probably my favourite Easter service to date. Needless to say, with all the hustle & bustle, outfit photos did not happen. So today I thought I'd pop in and share a few of my favourite photos from our spring thus far. No doubt about it, better weather is a major game changer... we're feeling pretty shiny and new over here! xo

24 sweet notes:

  1. Nothing like a few walks in the sun to brighten up your mood!

  2. These photos are so light and airy! Love! Xx

  3. Beautiful photos! They definitely put me in a springtime state of mind.

  4. It's so beautiful! It just rainy and grey and sort of dirty here -- very depressing.

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  5. Lovely photos! I particularly love the one with Scout between you two and looking pretty excited to go for a walk! Adorable! Glad to hear you had a lovely Easter weekend dear and hope you're having a great week so far too :)

  6. Gorgeous! Those flowers! Spring is such a hopeful and colorful time!


  7. i have to admit, i'm very jealous of how lovely spring looks in your part of the world. horray for breaking out the flip flops :)
    xo jac

  8. Those blossoms! So gorgeous. Which Easter service did you attend? Ours was pretty fantastic, too.

  9. Gorgeous photos, I especially love the one of Scout grinning up at you! I love it when dogs smile! We are finally getting some spring weather over here, and it's such a relief.

    Just to say, that tunic of mine you liked - it's sold out, but Madewell still carries its evil twin - that is, the same tunic but with white stripes on black. You should buy it, then we'd be like, antimatter twins or whatever they call it on Star Trek! ;)

  10. These photos are all so fantastic and beautiful. I love the first one especially... what is better than a shot of a puppy and of shoes! x E


  11. Sounds like a lovely Easter and a great Spring so far :)

    xo Amy

  12. Ah man, better weather seriously perks everything up!
    Haha, although just the other day we had howling winds and rain, so I'd better not brag too soon...
    Anyway, cute snaps of your springy weather and outings! Glad you had a good Easter :)
    Awww, and thank you so much for the vote girl! Means so much to me!! <3

    The Dragonfruit Diaries

  13. Based on these photos, I really can't tell who has been enjoying spring more... you, or Scout! That smile of his makes my day every time. Very much looking forward to seeing it in person soon - which of course means there will be an email coming your way soon, too :) Happy Wednesday, lovely!

  14. Looks perfect - and I'm jealous that you've been able to wear sandals already!

  15. your sweet pooch is too cute! he or she must be a little ham because they are smiling in every picture you have. love it.
    Dana Kay

  16. lovely photo's! the weather change is soo so nice, instant happiness :)
    xo, cheyenne

  17. Such pretty photos, dear Veronika!! We really have had some amazing spring days already, haven't we?! I just wish there was a bit more consistency with the warmer, sunny weather...but I guess some anticipation never hurts, right?! Your little Scout is a total sweetie, by the way!! XO

  18. These pictures are beautiful, as always :)

  19. Love how you captured the epidomy of Spring in your photos. I think your little doggies is thrilled. ha, ha I believe that is sheer joy its face, right there. Thanks for sharing.

  20. Tulips! I have some that have started to sprout, I can't wait until they blossom!

    xoxo, The Occasional Indulgence

  21. Happy easter!! I like your photography, the last is one of my favorites


  22. scout is too cute! glad to see you're enjoying spring veronika :) x

  23. Wish I was in Vancouver right now! I took a fancy to your boots in the first picture. Where to find, please and thanks :)


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