Weekly Wrap Up

Nov 7, 2014

What a week!! It's been a whole lot of bed rest, unbearable fatigue and a sinus infection that just won't quit. Tired of my whining yet?! ;) Thankfully Netflix, working on my photography blog (I'll share more soon) and lots of yummy homemade soup are cheering me up. When life gives you lemons, well, you better make sure you're rolling with it. Am I right?! In other news, I'm hell bent on getting out of the house this weekend... even if it's just for an hour! I'm dying to wear something other than pj's and I'm need of human interaction. Sheesh!

Photos from our week: 1) J.Crew statement necklaces are my new obsession. Can't wait to style my new beauty up!! 2) Did a photo-shoot which was super rad & fun! 3) Fall is still exploding in our neighbourhood. 4) Living by the ocean and going for long walks?! Bliss! 

Favourites from around the web:

Jen, of Jen Loves Kev just wrote a fabulous post on health & exercise. Loved her relaxed and encouraging take!
So much love for this Target area rug. Isn't it awesome and incredibly perfect?!
Excited to start a class on visual storytelling via Life, Captured Inc!
Finally bought actions from A Beautiful Mess. I nabbed "The Folk Collection" set. Oh man, SO good!!
Loved this homemade homemade masala chai concentrate via the Free People blog!

Inspired by: Crunching leaves, floppy hats, hot chocolate, mittens and rosy cheeks! 

On the horizon: Working on a website for my photography. Yay!!! And getting my new series "Blog Workshop" series up and running... sorry for the delay! Between my flu and work schedule. Yeah, it's been a little nuts around here!!

15 sweet notes:

  1. I'm all about JCrew statement necklace, they're the loveliest pieces ever!

    Have a great weekend and I hope that you'll get to go out and dress up and feel like a "human" again :)


  2. Hope you are feeling better, if you can get your hands on some fresh ginger, either juicing it or boiling it with some mint and lemon peel really helps! Jcrew statement necklaces are my obsession too and I love your new addition! I live close to the sea, but I never go out for long walks anymore since the weathers been getting cooler. I shouldn't make it an excuse and I should start enjoying it more.


  3. Feel better! I was sick this week, too, but not nearly as productive. ;)

  4. I hope you feel better soon - that sounds awful!

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  5. So jealous you live by water...sigh. That's my dream. One day...

    Love that photoshoot shot of you in the hat. Stunner! :)

    The Dragonfruit Diaries

  6. Homemade soup sounds like just the thing you need. Rest well my friend!!!

  7. oh! living near the oceans is one of my dreeeaams. one of my most relaxing things to do is strolling by the beach bare-footed. and that portrait photo is stunning!
    xo, cheyenne

  8. Aw, thank you!! And yes, homemade soup, what a godsend, it's all I've been eating this week. Happiest weekend to you, loves!! xoxo

  9. Yes, we feel so lucky to live on the west coast, being surrounded by ocean and mountains is pretty darn amazing!! Happiest weekend, sweets!! xoxo

  10. Thank you for the ginger/mint/lemon tip!! <3 And yes, going for long walks is so great, I really try to not let the colder weather deter me, actually once I'm all bundled up... I hardly notice it's cold and it's such a nice thing to do for myself!! Happy weekend, love!! xoxo

  11. Oh gosh, seriously hoping you're on the mend V - five weeks of being sick is just too long! Sending healthy thoughts your way. Especially because I can't wait to see how you style that J. Crew necklace once you're back into the swing of things ;) Tee hee. Sent an email off last night and hoping I have good news for you soon. Happy Saturday!

  12. I sure hope you were able to get out of the house and enjoy the weekend a little, dearest Veronika; the weather wasn't half bad, was it?! But seriously, all that bed rest was obviously good for something...you've managed to develop a photography blog!! I'm seriously impressed...and waiting on pins and needles for the big reveal!! ;)


  13. Yes, the weather has been gorgeous!! Cold as heck, but I'm loving all the sun!! <3 And thank you... can't wait to share my photography blog, oh so soon. Hopefully end of this week or early next week. Yay! Happy long weekend to you loves! xo

  14. you look absolutely stunning in that photo, v!!


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