our first vlog

Oct 23, 2013

Ok, as promised, here is our first vlog!! I compiled 8 of the most popular questions from everyone's submissions - so thank you for taking the time to send those in! I must admit we had such a blast putting this together... I definitley hope to do another video soon. However, my iMovie skills could use some fine tuning. Man they're rusty. Yikes! Well on that note, enjoy the vlog, guys!!!

20 sweet notes:

  1. Love this vlog! I've been pondering doing one myself! What did you use to edit?

  2. Aw, thank you... and yes you should definitley do one! I used iMovie! xo

  3. What a great vlog. I find so many bloggers get the ummms and uhhhs when they are speaking on camera but you guys are great public speakers!! I think I would definitely fall in the latter category! That kitty begging Martin to keep petting is so cute too

  4. I loved this, specially the part in which you and your husband interact more. The first minutes i got distracted by the kitty begging you husband to keep petting, so cute! and the doggy looking at the camera too. Thanks for sharing this!

  5. oh my goodness this is the loveliest vlog. its so nice to put a voice to the pretty face and its wonderful to see you guys interacting (as opposed to still format in photos) , you can just tell what a great couple you are! I have a few questions for the next vlog if thats ok?
    Are guys excited about starting a family and do you have any parenting worries?
    Hows martins acting going and can we expect to see him on our screens anytime soon?
    and i would love to know more about your organic company! as a successful business woman hoe do you manage the work load/life split?
    ok so thats a ton of questions lol sorry about that, its just so lovely to get to know the person behind the lens..i need to pluck up the courage to perhaps do a vlog (my british uncomfortable manner does not film well though LOL!)

  6. Jenn Agostinho-AlceeOctober 23, 2013 at 8:31 AM

    OMG you two are so darn adorable! I just love you guys♥ you did such a great job with the vlog V! you two are real naturals and i have to say Scout has never looked cuter..loved how he was eyeing that camera the whole time!! Also you and M looked great Xo

  7. Aw, how fun! I loved watching this, it was like getting to have a little mid-week visit with you both :) Definitely made me look even more forward to our upcoming dinner date. And seriously, Scout? What a charmer! He steals the show - and my heart - every time he makes an appearance on your blog. Happy Wednesday, my friend!

  8. nice to hear you :) and that cat is so sweet popping in!

  9. okay, i've opened up my comment box...now pressing play....

    1st note: Scout flopped in between you guys and Pumpkin pawing at Papa is an omg how cute moment right off the bat! Then, gosh, you two look extra chic. your shift dress was the perfect choice V and i still can't get over that awesome haircut. love it so much!

    Martin's nod & knowing glances are super sweet when you talked about your perfection quest. Sean would do the same for me ;) plus it's that point when Scout sort of perks right up and Spock ears come alive!!!! yah! ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, there's my Q! how exciting, thanks for the answer V. your seasonal recs are duly noted. on board about those booties girl!

    i love how you've kept your branding so insync right down to using natural elements like linen backdrops. i didn't realize that and am super impressed about the length you've gone to for your brand. holla marriage tips, good ones you guys! thumbs waaaaay up, more vlogs please and also i'd be like the 1st follower for Martin's blog. keep a girl posted okay?! xoooooox love you guys!!!!

  10. wow..can i say wow again? wow..wow..this is such a great vlog.i love love it and i made it to the end.please do more..i'm still thinking what questions to ask..

    xo josephine

  11. You two are just adorable. And I love how your dog is just chillin' in between the two of you. And your cat is like, hey, I want to be in this video. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  12. Great tips! Loved it! You two are so cute together! Looking forward to your next vlog!

  13. How cute! Love the and thank you for stopping by my blog! I will definitely follow you back! XO

  14. You have the most adorable little family! I was so enthralled with your answers to the questions that I didn't notice your kitty popping up into the screen. I love cats and when I scrolled through the comments at the end of the vlog, everyone was commenting on your cat! So I had to re-watch your vlog and... awww... your kitty is so adorable!

    I'm seriously impressed that you've been together for 15 years. You both don't look a day over 25 so that was a bit of a surprise! I love the relationship advice you gave. The fact that you invested early on in relationship counselling to make sure your relationship was the best it could be is very commendable.

    I really enjoy reading your blog and wish you both all the best!

    Cheers from the island!


  15. Carly, thank you so much for your sweet comment!!! <3 I'm so glad to know you liked the vlog... and the pets most definitley stole the show. We noticed the dog was giving us little kisses too. Haha! Hope you're having a fabulous week, girl!! xo

  16. The marriage unit at Village Church was AMAZING! So glad you guys enjoyed it too. :)

  17. I just remembered I hadn't watched this yet, and I love you two! You guys are so sweet together, and I love hearing your voice and seeing your personality in motion!


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