Evening Rituals

Feb 26, 2015

How did this happen? I have 10 + half written posts sitting as drafts in blogger. Whoops! Time to write and finish one... so, here we go! Lately, I've been trying to establish a few evening rituals for myself, things to help me gear down, and ultimately, help me got off my iphone & computer. Trust me, there's no shortage of those two in my life! ;) There's something so lovely and therapeutic about ending the day on a positive note + learning to step back. Perfect timing too, as this year I'm observing Lent and trying to slow down. Not an easy feat for me! So on that note, here's a list of my favourite/rotating evening rituals...

BUBBLE BATH AND TEA // I'll typically do a chamomile tea and a nice hot soak right before bed, and it's so darn good! I love adding bath bombs, or plain Epsom salts to relax my sore muscles from the day.

PEDICURE // If Martin is feeling up to it (he usually is) I'll coerce him into a foot massage. Haha! I love using peppermint foot cream and doing a quick pedi. My current favourite is the Sally Hansen gel line + the top coat leaves the prettiest sheen. Oh man, what is it about freshly painted nails?! Hello, instant happiness!

NIGHT-TIME WALK // I love getting bundled up in my coziest sweaters/leggings and going for a walk around our neighbourhood. It's so incredibly quaint here! I love seeing the glow of peoples lights and looking up at the stars. Plus, the cold air is so refreshing!

CONNECT // Connecting with either a Sunday service online (we've been going to Relate), or chatting on the phone with my mom is always great... the house is quiet, the pj's are on... it can't be beat!

WRITE // I recently started keeping a journal and I love taking a few minutes to jot down my thoughts from the day. It's proving to be a great way to check in with myself and see what's on my heart. I've been learning so much!

Hope you enjoyed reading through my list... plus be sure to leave me a few of your favourite rituals in the comments! Always love hearing from you guys!! Happiest Thursday, everyone! xo

16 sweet notes:

  1. I love this! I've recently started keeping a journal too and while I struggle to always remember I love that I'll be able to look back over it in the future!

    I've never tried going for a walk in the evenings, definitely going to consider trying it as it sounds so relaxing!

    Laura Cinnamon xxx

  2. I love your routine! Great ideas, especially love the simplicity/wisdom of taking a walk! I forget every winter how refreshing it is to get some fresh air, even if it's for a short freezing burst. X

  3. these are fantastic! also love that photo


  4. this is such a great post. It's great to see ways other people wind down. I've recently been dealing with adrenal gland fatigue and all the stuff you listed was recommended by my doctor to do!


  5. I was so needing a nighttime routine last night–I could shut my brain down for anything! In the end, Audrey Hepburn's Sabrina lulled me to sleep, just like it used to in college!

  6. That's a great routine.. I too love Chamomile tea before bed


  7. Since I work pretty much for 6 am to 8 pm between my day job and my blog, my before bed time is pretty much sacred. Every evening at eight, I put an English muffin in the toaster, make tea and turn on one of my old favourite TV shows - nothing new or exciting, just something to help me relax. I usually fall asleep on the couch watching and wake up just in time to wander to bed. Taking that time is just so important. As a treat, I'll occasionally switch it up to a bath with a glass of wine - so lovely. Happy Thursday, V!

  8. This was such a timely post for me to read, so thank you! I feel like I've been going at breakneck speed lately, between work, blogging, stuff for the kiddo, etc, etc. I need to take a step back sometimes and just have some down time. I may just have to schedule that in.

  9. People often talk of morning routines, but I think evening rituals are just as important and special! A bubble bath and tea sounds wonderful :)

    Circus & Bloom

  10. I'm doing a similar thing for Lent- I'm giving up useless scrolling online which includes my facebook feed. It's funny because now that I've given it up, I'm really not missing it at all! It's nice to be able to slow down and incorporate some rituals into the evening rather than just spending hours staring at a screen.

  11. Mmmm these routines have all got me longing to do the same. Slowing down is something I know I need to do, but it's like I can't control myself...sigh. Perhaps a good night in with some tea and bubble bath with do the trick... :)

    The Dragonfruit Diaries

  12. Jenni, oh my gosh, I'm with you!! The useless scrolling has become such a bad habit of mine and definitely something I'm working on. Wonderful to hear you're doing Lent as well, this is my first time and I'm absolutely loving it!! xo

  13. Aw, thanks Jacqueline. So glad to hear you liked the post/my routine!! Martin & I started doing walks a few winters ago and we've loved incorporating it into our evenings. A hot chocolate always makes the experience a little sweeter too! Hope your week is off to a great start!! xo

  14. Aw, thank you! So glad you enjoyed the post, slowing down is so important!! And all the best with your adrenal fatigue... I dealt with it a few years ago and keeping a simplified schedule was vital to my recovery!! xo

  15. bubble baths and tea are my favorite routine!

  16. Because I am trying to change some of my old habits and focus on being home a bit more, it is too difficult to find evenings habits/ routines to adopt. I do appreciate reading yours and perhaps they could inspire me.


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